31 юли 2021 г.

Хубава песен

"I was told of the hand you were dealt,
Every struggle, all the shame you felt.
If I could, I would wash it all away, away.
In your war no canons roar, no fields lay strewn with dead,
A struggle of one, so alone, a conflict without end.
And I know what those thoughts can stir:
Searching for your 'truth'.

Fighting silent battles by day and every night,
Fighting silent battles with no wounds in sight;
Fighting silent battles, the war some must go through,
Now let us be guided, guided by the 'truth'!

As the dawn breaks upon this shore,
Army of one, no flags, no guns,
Rising bravely to face this new day with hope.
Some kneel down with solemn pause
That resonates and cuts through the noise.
We hear inside the minds of those still fighting, still fighting.
And I know what those thoughts can stir:
Searching for your 'truth'.

Fighting silent battles by day and every night,
Fighting silent battles with no wounds in sight;
Fighting silent battles, a storm you can live through,
I trust you will be guided, be guided by the 'truth'.

You hear me now, you hear me now:
'This fight goes on, it can be won,
It can be done, this war can be won.'

You hear me now, you hear me now:
'This war can be won, it can be done,
This war can be won.'

Fighting silent battles by day and every night,
Fighting silent battles with no wounds in sight;
Fighting silent battles, may peace be there with you,
Now that you've been guided, be guided by the truth..."

Умен и талантлив евреин, прогимназиалният ми кумир. 66-годишният Daniel "Dee" Snider, горещ поклонник на Lzzy. Излезе новият му албум вчера, 30 юли' 2021, "Leave a Scar". Песента се казва, разбира се, "Silent Battles", аудио: link.

Хайде, Lzzy Hale, чакаме те там... там от Rock Falcon!

P. S. "When Brand Blanshard asked Russell why he did not write on aesthetics, Russell replied that he did not know anything about it, though he hastened to add 'but that is not a very good excuse, for my friends tell me it has not deterred me from writing on other subjects'. - Blanshard, in Paul Arthur Schilpp, ed., 'The Philosophy of Brand Blanshard', Open Court, 1980, p. 88, quoting a private letter from Russell." Wikipedia - Bertrand Russell (link).