Love is trust, trust is love, it's knowing I'm enough
When I don't feel like I am enough.
It's choosing to talk when talking is tough,
And carrying the weight when the weight is too much.
Having faith to jump off the cliff,
Count to ten, and take the risk,
Fall off the bridge,
And clear your eyes of the tears
To see the moments missed,
To crave one above all, to be...
Held, to be kissed,
To keep adding to an infinite list!
Take your axe to the brush,
Be a lighthouse in the mist
To be the wind to his sails
When he is lost at sea
To dance with his waves,
And together be free!
Freedom is a choice,
A microphone to our voices,
A captain who wants not to tame her wild ways,
But to let her intuition guide the way
To get to know her dueling faces.
The map will be fade,
And will forever be changing,
Choosing not to destroy
The great world you're creating.
World that you're creating
To understand the depth of her ocean
And the vastness of his sky,
Where you are you, and I am I;
To make moments together,
To laugh, to cry,
To mourn our youth,
And celebrate the passing of time,
The grey hair and the fine lines,
The worn through denim jacket
That matches the color of his eyes,
The annoyances and the little white lies,
The mistakes and the words unmeant,
The ice on the shoulder and the fire on our bellies,
The babe to raise and the money spent,
Both the living hell and the heaven sent.
Keeping faith that is blind,
And no secrets kept;
Late night fights,
But never take it to bed.
A sacred space,
A sanctuary where we both feel safe
To face our fear, and confess our shame,
Our worry, our crazy,
Our manic, our messy,
Our otherworldly, our morphing maze,
Our labyrinth where
We can shed the weight
Of our trauma that's haunting,
Hurting, and hunting us,
Inherited from our parents,
Passed down from the wars
That shook the world.
Learning from our history
So we don't make
The same mistakes they made,
Hold on to our legacy,
And create
A new dynasty,
Break the cycle and the curse,
Count our blessing both best and worse,
Together walk hand in hand side by side
On the road that stretches forever
With faded signs
And dead bodies along the way,
Talking it minute by minute and day by day,
Climbing our Everest -
No rule book, no compass -
Guided only by the love we make
That shakes and quakes,
The give and the take,
The icing and the cake.
Fight to honor and keep it,
And mend it when it breaks,
Earning brave badges only after we
Face our fears afraid:
The end is the same as the beginning,
A long woven braid.
As long as we're trying,
We will always be winners;
Here's to the beginners
And the late bloomers.
We promise to fill and spill our caps
For each other, best friends and lovers,
Armed with swords to defend
Our rose colored silk covers,
Flying each other's banner
In an endless holy war,
Conjuring magic, and opening doors,
Singing songs of fire and snow,
Never forgetting what we are fighting for:
For you, for me, for love, for truth...
I love you!
Lzzy Hale, 24 февр.' 2025;
публ. 25 февр.' 2025, Instagram (link)