9 юни 2020 г.

Моралност и метафизиката на нравите

"I want to start by saying that I do not have a degree in political science*, nor am I an expert on social injustice**. But you don't need to be an expert** or have a master's degree* to know the difference between Right & Wrong* and Good vs. Evil**. This is something instilled in you when you learn empathy* and compassion**. The notion that all Humans deserve to be treated as equals shouldn't be an optional belief** or a political opinion*. It should be something that we all practice as a fundamental trait of our species. It should be a No-Brainer. 'Justice for all', not 'justice for some'. We are all born with that trait, but some of us are taught to fear***... Look inside your soul. If you are uncomfortable with or truly do not believe that all Humans should be treated equally****, you are part of the problem.

Unfortunately, right now our country is plagued with Untamed Narcissism. But sometimes it takes a horrific tragedy to unite us. I know a lot of you are telling me to shut up and sing. Well, this is me singing. Unlearn it and come join us in the fight for change, we will welcome you with open arms."

Свързала го е към всички социални мрежи: Lzzy Hale, "The Spirit of Rock 'n' Roll", 8 юни' 2020, The Diary, Tumblr (link), моя извадка, подчертаванията също са мои.

* Легалност.
** Легитимност.
*** Метафизиката на нравите.
**** Моралност.

Аз я следвам по петите, сякаш че и тя следва мен: никога няма да бъда с нея... Бих искал да владея подобно съвършенство на реториката. Тя, със своята позиция, губи половината си аудитория. Следя във Facebook коментарите, половината викат "осанна", а другата половина "разпни го" (link):

"I had 2k (2000$ - б. м.) invested in shows this summer. All of which have been cancelled except Halestorm. I know it will be cancelled or postponed (заради карантината - б. м.), but they have not announced yet. I've been to see them about 10 times in the last 3 years. 3 times last summer alone. Never have they gone on political rants and I love it. If they start making my escape that I spend my hard earned money on, I'll stop and just listen on Octane (популярна радиостанция за модерен рок - б. м.). I don't know why this has become such a topic, but whatever, it's my choice just as it is hers. And you can defend the choice to politically rant on stage 'till you are blue in the face. That is not what I spend my money to see. If I want to go see that, I'd go to a rally or a protest, a lecture, or whatever else. I spend on concerts to Rock my ass off with the people and bands I love. If that bothers anyone, that is on them."

"Goodbye, Lzzy. Keep chasing away fans. I was a new fan and I am now looking elsewhere. I get it, your page... And you can post whatever you like; and while I agree with your stance, I don't need to hear it every day. Do you see the legendary groups (AC/DC, Van Halen, Stones, etc.) announce political things daily? Personal things daily? Sorry, you have incredible talent and a great band, but enough is enough!"

Обществото в САЩ е разделено относно Тръмп. Ето първата половина:

"This is what happens on social media. If you want to avoid it, go listen to your Classic Rock cassettes in your safe little bubble."

"She is a person, a human being, not a tool (подчертаването е мое - б. м.) of entertainment."

"I have (Twitter, link - б. м.) a degree in history & a Juris Doctor. I teach yoga. Lzzy Hale is spot on. This is about basic humanity, not politics. We all have the same blood & organs. We are all the same. We should be treated the same - with equality & compassion."

И чудесното ироническо обобщение:

"Forget about history of music and politics. People seem to be forgetting that she's an American citizen and it's her Constitutional right (подчертаването е мое - б. м.) to have and speak her opinions."