10 юни 2020 г.

Почти ирония

Аз, щом се вдъхновя, се шегувам... Трябва да дойда там и изнеса лекция. Представи си го колко е достолепен Ясперс, нали си го виждал:

"When I embarked on my degree course in philosophy at the University of Basel in 1949, Jaspers was a celebrity; his lectures were marked by overwhelming eloquence, he filled the main lecture theatre on every occasion, and he self-assuredly promulgated his knowledge, which extended far beyond European philosophy; he stood tall and dignified, and carried himself like a true man of the world.

By stark contrast, Heinrich Barth was severely handicapped, lectured at impossible hours (from 7 to 8 a.m. in the summer term), hunched over his manuscript, speaking in a quiet voice and adverse to any rhetorical pose. Attendance at his lectures was scant and his seminar groups could often be counted with two hands; classes were held in the cramped premises of the philosophy department on the Münsterplatz; minutes had to be taken, philosophical texts were interpreted in class, and only original-language texts were permitted. For many students, Jaspers' Swiss colleague was simply non-existent.


Jaspers waged a battle against Southwest German Neo-Kantianism (Heinrich Rickert)."

Armin E. Wildermuth, "Karl Jaspers and the Concept of Philosophical Faith" (link)

На тоя Хайнрих Барт слон му бил стъпил на ушите: Барт (ясперски, "Sollen" vs. "Müssen") виждал как се образува битие, не чувал обаче въплъщението, никаква муза ("mögliche Existenz") не чувал... Все едно Зигфрид кове меча си, докато Миме забърква отрова (звучи фригийски лад... и най-ярката за мен сцена от "Пръстена": link). Само дето тъкмо тая тенекеджийска екзалтация е отвратила Ницше... Ясперс е хеви-метъл-философът*... нежната струна на моята душа резонира не изобщо по метъла, а по Lzzy. И никаква лекция не съм в състояние да изнеса... Цялата статия на Wildermuth, би могло по нея да бъда напълно разбран, ти вече си ме усетил. Застъпен ли е у нас Ясперс в противовес на Хайдегер?

Това е Lzzy: "... to safeguard 'the survival of mankind' through universal communication" (статията на Wildermuth).

Рупорът в лоното на живеца: "Philosophical faith refers to itself and to an origin" (статията на Wildermuth).

* "In an ontological sense, ciphers are nothing, and yet not nothing either. They have a floating character, which on some occasions refers beyond itself, and on others collapses into objectivity and bodily existence. They are destroyed in both cases. There must be an existential impetus that preserves their condition of being-something-and-not-nothing (...) and thus allows them to mirror existence itself. Being-oneself and recovering from not-being-oneself fuse into a movement that drives existence at once into itself and beyond itself. It is accepted that existence-itself bears something dark and incomprehensible, even negative, and continuously integrates this aspect. The question has been raised, and quite rightly, why ciphers are needed at all. Kant... In Jaspers, cipher-script is much more than an 'interpretation' of nature's beautiful figurativeness, for with him everything can become a cipher. This should be understood entirely in terms of an existential-personal hermeneutic, which might prompt one to think of once-fashionable 'individual mythology' (Harald Szeemann). But ciphers thicken into cultural symbols, and thus become effective in the lifeworld. We now need to inquire whether the floating, independent existence of such symbol-ciphers (Lzzy - б. м.) could not perhaps have repercussions on the living. The distinct phenomenality of ciphers cannot simply be a reflex of deep existential events, for how could a new and more profound existential knowledge be awakened by a deepening in the self-evidentiality of the ciphers? The later Schelling's... Kierkegaard... Curiously, Jaspers (неговият нихилизъм - б. м.) evinces such a mindset at the end of his book on the atom bomb, namely in those passages in which he employs the notion of immortality as a cipher and penetrates its content. This cipher focuses on the possible non-reality or annihilation of the world as a whole in the face of the total threat confronting mankind in the form of nuclear disaster. The detour through a nothingness that we ourselves might bring about inflames the world of appearances, altering their radiance." (Статията на Wildermuth.)