19 август 2022 г.

The Jobbery Question

Xj = f[Y1, Y2 ... Yn(j)];  j = 1, 2 ... m
Yi(j) = fi(j)[Xj]; i = 1, 2 ... n(j) → Xj = f[Y1] = f[Y2] = ... = f[Yn(j)]; j = 1, 2 ... m
Xj0 = f0[Y1] = f0[Y2] = ... = f0[Yn(j)] → Xj0 = f0[Y1, Y2 ... Yn(j)],
                                                                  project management;
                                                                   j = 1, 2 ... m

   Project establishing:
      X, project direction
      Y, project factors
      X0, project
   f0[Y], project goal

Project manager (templates) = Team (project goals & constraints)

Who defines the constraints? 
Deficiency: here's the split between Project establishing and Project management
The Project manager conducts the Parade, 
   but the Franchise of projects leads the Parade 

Допълнението към статията ми "Дяволите да ни вземат", pdf: link